23 OCT 09 The Journal

DSC01934To continue, this week we also had our final PT test for basic which is the one that counts for graduation. I think I did pretty well though. I scored a 276 which is 3rd highest score in my platoon of 58. I ended up doing 67 push ups, 74 sit ups and I ran a 13:34 on my 2 mile run. I pushed it pretty hard but it paid off. I did over 90% in all the categories which also gives me a PT badge.

The other OCS candidate in my platoon and I talked to some one that is going to graduate soon from OCS and he said that it is pretty tough. He said he hated it more than basic and there is less sleep too. I should be fine though since coming straight out of basic will hopefully prepare me for it.

Today we are just practicing the clinch drills for our combatives certification which will be tomorrow. We also did some new battle drills for incoming indirect fire.


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