26 AUG 09 The Journal

Sorry I had to cut it short yesterday. I had to go to sleep and there just is not enough time in the day. So yesterday there was almost a fight in the barracks. One of the guys basically called the other one a liar and it degraded after that. A bunch of guys had to break them apart and had to hold one of them back.

Today we got our dog tags which were pretty cool but that is the only good news. They are delaying or ship to basic training for a week which means that it will be 10 weeks before we graduate. It also means that you will not be able to send me letters because they probably will not get here in time. But I will keep sending the letters so its ok. Its kind of strange because I feel like I am in a perpetual fog of tiredness because we are not allowed to get more than 6 hours of sleep at night. Luckily I am going to be able to get about 7 hours at basic so thats not too bad. Anyway I have to go to sleep now so I will have to write you later.

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