5 SEP 09 The Journal

002So the cell phone incident came to a close. 3 of them requested to have an open trial/hearing for reasons only known to them. That means that all of Charlie Company witnessed their hearing. They did not end up losing any rank however they lost $100 out of their paychecks and get 14 days of extra duty. That basically means they get to work while everyone else is sleeping. That article 15 basically stays with them for their whole military career.

I know it has been a few days since I have written you and for that I am sorry. We finally got shipped to basic training where I am at my training unit. Oh and by the way you do not send any packages. We are not allowed to have any care packages sent to us at all. So the letters will have to make do. Also drill sgts look at all pictures received in the mail (you can still send things that fit in the envelope though).

That is why I have been so busy and this is the first day I have had any personal time. We also get issued a lot of our equipment. We got our IBA (Interceptor Body Armor) plus the ceramic plats in it. We also got knee and elbow pads plus a bunch of other stuff. We also got our M16A4s today. Today we also got sent through the “obstical” course which was really really hard. Even the demonstrator drill sgts seemed to have problems with it.

Anyway you can finally send letters to me which I am looking forward to. Make sure you put my roster number on the back of the envelope in the center.

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